Partea I:
Propulsii similare OZN (Performantele Masinilor Timpului)
Partea a II-a:
Dezlegarea unor mari enigme |
C O N T E N T S |
You will find further an example of performing the invention, based on both Fig.1 and Fig.2., which represent : - Fig.1, - the cinematic diagram - the vertically section of a flying saucer - Fig.2, - represent the equivalent diagram of the main forces - according to invention, in 4 successive phases. You will also find an example concerning the functioning way at starting and at the take-off. ![]() A flying saucer, according to the proceeding of building, functioning and shifting of this invention, is composed of three main discoidal parts which are independent each other as regards their functions, respectively the main central system ( which is not rolling ), an upper rolling system and a lower system which is rolling contrary to the upper system. Each of them has the same vertical symmetry axis (z-z) , respectively each one has relative rolling snapshot centre and a weight centre situated on the same vertical symmetry axis (z-z), according to the way all these are represented in the cinematic diagram from Fig.1, as herebelor more detailed explained ; The main central discoidal system - or central dome - is made up of the central circular platform (1) whose turning speed around the vertical common symmetrical axis (z-z) is usually near zero. On this platform, solidary with that usually located in the command cabin [cockpit] (2) and the living beings, supports of taking off -landing (3), at the extremity and diametrically opposed a heating chamber on constant pressure - reactively identical with a statoreactor, respectively on the left (4) and on the right (5) sides, excepted goods, the fuel and a part of the used propulsive system which are located on the two others main turning systems on which are fixed turning discs (6) and (7) where are fixed and which are radial and successively inter-combined the blades (8) and (9) of a stepped unequally radial centrifugal compressor with double a effect and with the same symmetrical axis (z-z) of the whole system, turbine blades (10) and (11). The auxiliary equipment and the liquid stocked oxygen for the displacement in the cosmos etc. are located on the other two discoidal system as a turning-platforms: a superior one (12) and an inferior one (13). The two heating chambers are fixed on the extremities of the fixed circular platform (1) which continues towards the exterior through the profiled grill (15) and assures a half (1/2) of the traction force on the horizontal plane (Ft), the heating gases of the chamber (4) assuring concomitantly and leading gases by the movement of the superior turning platform (12). This phenomenon takes place due to the hitting of the turbine blades on the whole superior disc area of the platform (6) that is forming one piece with the turning superior platform (12) so, (Vt = 3.14.r.n/30) [meters/s] where (Vt) is the tangential speed - (r) the location area of the blades of turbine and - (n) is the revolution in (rot/min) of a turning platform and burning gases leaving the heating chamber at a constant pressure (5) assuring the leading to the unity of the inferior turning disc with the superior one. The unique radial slipped and centrifugal compressor with a big medium diameter ensures a neatly superior relation of result of compression due to the breaking (senssoring) of air at 90 grade which flows at a very big tangential compression separated only by the stationary (15) with uniform holes (16) radially and on 45 grades optimal angle on horizontal plane and profiled. The stationary circular profiled grill (15) constructively links towards the exterior the whole area of the fixed central platform (1) and has the same symmetrical axis (z-z) with the whole system. The superior discoidal system made up of the superior discoidal turning platform (12), has got the same instant rotation centre relatively located on the vertical symmetrical axis (z-z) of the central platform (1) and approximately the same exterior with the possibility of rotation around the vertical symmetrical axis (z-z) and common to the three platforms forming the whole system. It is also composed by the superior flange (17) made of many couples of circular crowns sectors with the possibility of being rotated on bearings (18) located towards the interior and fixed on the superior turning platform (12) made up also of couples of circular crown sectors. At the interior part of the superior flange (17) is located the fix flange (19) welded at the interior of the cylindrical frame(2) of the cockpit. On the fix flange (19) the compact disc (20) can be rotated by slipping on which is fixed at radial direction and with a radial of liberty [radial shift Fig. (2)] hydraulically amplifiers of force and energy (21) which are made of pistons (22) with vertical symmetrical axis and the piston (23) with the symmetrical axis on the horizontal plane and acted through the bearings systems (24) with a vertical symmetrical turning axis on the interior diameter of the fix static flange (19). Also solidarilly with the superior turning platform (12) is fixed the superior exterior frame(25) on which are protected (previewed) admission holes uniformly distributed(26) and the evacuation - admission holes also uniformly distributed (27). At a non working position when the superior turning platform doesn’t rotate the stokes(a) Fig.(1) are zero same are the stokes(b). The inferior discoidal system made up of the discoidal inferior turning platform (13), which is similarly as description with the superior discoidal platform (18) with the difference that flange (18) is constructively overtaken by the bearings (29) placed this time at the inferior turning platform (13). The flange (30) is identical and fix like the flange (19) and the compact disc (31) is identical with the compact disc (20). On the inferior turning platform (13) the inferior frame (32) is solidarilly fixed which is based on the bearings (33) similarly to the (18) bearings. At the down part of the central cylinder [cockpit] (2) is located the access ramp (34) and on the upper part windows (35). Because of the stability reasons on the horizontal plane, the inferior turning platform (13) will always have a bigger total weigh (at a stationary position) [the total weight centre of the old functional system always has to be under the weight centre of the central platform (1) to maintain the stability], on the turning direction will always be contrary to the turning direction of the platform, being correlated and permanently controlled by the rotation speed of the discoidal turning platform (12). Through a controlled dosed of traction forces developed by the two heating chambers at a constant pressure (reactive engines) each one placed diametrically opposed at the stationary central platforms extremities, (1) permanently sustained without any turning movement but with the possibility of changing horizontal plane of the whole system through a suitable dosage of fuel and of diametrically opposed and of the same direction of the forces of traction making possible the brake of the whole system by a controlled rotation of the fix platform (1) [which doesn’t rotate as compared to the other platforms (12) respectively (13)] at an 180 grades angle compared to the initial walking direction. The fix platform (1) stability against non-controlled rotation being constructively assured due to the controlled dosage of traction forces in the horizontal plane and diametrically opposed to which actions at the extremities of the platform (1) obtained from the burning chambers at a constant pressure (statoreactors) (4) respectively (5) even at a big distances as compared to the turning axis (z-z), the resulting couples of rotation - reciprocally adulating themselves. You will find further an example of calculation of the main forces that simultaneously act and determine together the obtaining of the performances and of the advantages according to the invention, for the whole functional system represented through the cinematic diagram of Fig.(1) and described above by the graphic diagram of the equivalent cinematic scheme of the main forces as rendered in Fig.(2). ![]() In fig. Nr. (2) letter (a), is presented the equivalent situation when the whole system stands being in the repose on the earth. By the vectorial composition of the forces of the vertical plan it results that: (Grot) + (Gst)=(Gtot) respectively on the analytic way it results Gst = 2 f1.cosb/2 In fig. (2) letter (b) is represented the intermediary situation after the beginning of rotation of a turning platform until the achieving of the minimal revolution (revolution) (n.min)>(0) By the vectorial of the forces it results that: (Rrot) = (Fc)+(Grot) or analytic (tg(a) = (Fc/Grot) = (Vt)2/r.g [because, (Fc) = (m.Vt2/r) and (G) = (m.g)] where : (Vt) is the tangential speed of the circular crown segments during turning movement, (r) is the average radius of rotation of the weight centre of the segments of the circular crown, (Fc) is the centrifuge force, (Grot) is the turning segments weight, but knowing that when angle (a)o = 0 and tg(a) =(0), then; (Fc) = (Grot), and (Vt)2 = (r.g.) but as constructive (Grot)>(Gst) it results that in the first phase during the putting in action of the two turning platforms and before reaching the minimal revolution (turation), so that when (n)<(n.min), angle (b)o=(180)o, already the stationary platform weight (Gst)=(0) because cos(b/2)=(0), due to the action taking over of that centrifugal forces. In order to calculate the minimal revolution (nmin) when the centrifugal forces as totally solved the action of the total weight (Gtot) of the entire system, it is known that the tangential speed (Vt) can also be calculated according to the revolution (n) and with the help of the relation; (Vt)=(r.w) where (w), is the angular speed, or (Vt)=(p.n.r./30)[meter/sec] where the revolution (n) is in [rot/min]. Equalling the two relations of the tangential speeds when; (tg(a)=(0) and cos(b/2)=(0) when centrifugal force solves the influence of all the weight from the vertical (z-z) and lead them to the horizontal plan, we have the possibility of determining the minimal revolution of the mathematics relation; (p.n.r/30)2=r.g From those relations we can easily notice that the minimal revolution necessary to annulled the effect of the gravity does not depend om the weights that compose the functional system that can be achieved through the proceeding of construction and functioning that is the topic of this invention. In another words, in a system during the rotation in horizontal plan, the mass of one body(m)=(G/acp), but as the centripetal acceleration (acp) can reach very big values, it results that the mass (m) of the system in equilibrium through the centrifugal force diametraly opposed and equal, comparatively to the terrestrial gravitational field, will get some more and more big values in the same time with the increase of the revolution, - tending to zero. As the system during the rotation disposes concomitantly of a proper reactive propulsion (Ft) in the horizontal plan, is not difficult to calculate according to the relation (Ft)=(m).(a), where (a) is the linear acceleration on the horizontal, which values can obtained the acceleration (a) when knowing that the system disposes of the original propulsion that concomitantly supply the traction forces on the horizontal with very big values, and the mass (m) of the system, - tends towards zero.
Thus, on the basis of those reasons we can say that the interplanetary distances [(S) = (V2/2.a)] when the speeds of displacement (V) and the accelerations (a) can achieve with the help of this proceeding of propulsion very big values, those one begin to seem to us too much Why from time to time news appear about the extraterrestrial speeds, because respecting the known physics law, those things become possible as in early future when we will be ourselves considered as extra-terrestrials by other possible existing civilisations in the universe. An example for the functioning mode at the starting and at the taking off The starting, respectively the kindling in the two combustion chambers reactive to the constant pressure is achieved through the training in the contrary direction of the two turning platform (12) respectively (13) by an auxiliary engine source that can be mechanically or electrically. After the successive achievement of the minimal revolution (nmin) progressively enlarges under the control from the binnacle the pressure in the two standardised hydraulic circuits and integrated from the platforms (12) and (13), the fact that lead to apparition and the always progressive increase and controlled of the centrifugal forces generated by all the sectors of the circular crowns that compose the two turning platform (12) and (13). That situation determines and can concomitantly guide to the progressive reduction up to the annulment of the gravitation influence. That phenomenon that is correlated with the phenomenon of specific pressure reducing uniformly distributed from the useful surface of the superior carcass (25) and correlated also with the two forces of traction of a same direction and diameter opposed generated by the two reactive combustion chamber (4), respectively (5), this proceeding determines together the detachment from the earth at a fix point. The manageability in the left and in the right direction of the displacement is achieved like I mentioned, through the power control respectively through the dozing of the two forces of traction, equal, diametrically opposed and of the same direction, generated by the reactive combustion chamber (4) respectively (5), by the dozing and under the permanent control from the binnacle, respectively the increase or the reducing of one of them having as direct consequence the change of the direction of flight towards the left or towards the right. The management on the vertical to the up and to the bottom relatively to the direction of the flight, are also achieved very easy through the rotation of the horizontal axis (x-x) to an angle until (90) degrees, the axis that passes through the weight centre of the two combustion chamber (4) respectively (5), the manageability that can achieve with the help of some deflectors that change according to the desire of the running of the burning gases that leave with a big speed the spout (efuzors) of the two combustion chambers (4) respectively (5). After what, acting identically as the manipulation left-right make the rising or the rapid descent of the whole system by this proceeding. The proceeding that can be concomitantly superposed with the proceeding of the inertial displacement in zigzag previously described that the both superposed and harmoniously combined guide to the obtention of some exceptional performances very difficult to be achieved, - but not impossible. During the flight on the trajectory, it appears a trend of rotation uncontrolled of the horizontal axis (x-x) of the horizontal plane due to a generated couple of reactive combustion chambers (4) respectively (5) [that concomitantly also determines the rotation of the turning platforms (12) respectively (13)] the direction the burning gases being oriented below a small angle, down to the blades (11) of turbines, respectively of the combustion chamber (5) and on top to the blades of the turbine (10). This trend is nevertheless counteracted by the corresponding position of the two deflectors located at the exit of the gases from the two combustion chambers, also due to the big gyroscopic effect due to the rotation of the two turning platforms (12) respectively (13), due to the inertness and stability due to the straightly shifting and also due to the proper finding of the weight centre of the central platform (1) even from the design phase, as well as to a lot of facilities of fast manoeuvres performed by board computer. The calculation of the parameters of the flight in case of the inertial displacement in zig-zag, is based on the using of the kinetic energies (Ec) accumulated during the rotation of the two discoidal turning system, the liberation of those energies conserved and their transforming into a useful mechanical working, respectively into a supplementary force of traction in the horizontal plan, being possible through the instantaneous displacement forced and successive of the instantaneous centres of rotation located on the axis (z-z) on the other axis of rotation parallel (z1-z1) that successively passes by the coupling points of the sabots (S1) respectively (S2) that can be alternatively acted during the progressive accumulation of the kinetic energy (Ec) that proportionally increases in the same time with the increase of the revolutions of the turning platform. Like this, through the successive and momentaneouse coupling of the sabots, irises a big lack of balance of the masses located in rotation (over the minimal revolution) which has as practical result a tangential successive throwing of the whole system towards the front due to the successive revolutions of a turning platform that suddenly tends to zero and the kinetic energy conserved in this turning platform tends also to be liberated suddenly (instantaneously) through the transforming also instantaneously under the useful mechanic work form (Lu)=(Ftsupl).(d1), respectively into a supplementary force of traction (Ftsupl) on a distance (d1) representing the crossed distance into a single zig-zag, (according to the principle of conservation, - nothing does lose, - nothing does win, - but everything is transformed).
The value of the kinetic energy liberate and transformed into a mechanic useful working, being proportional with From the tables we know that by example for a cylindrical ring I= 1/2.M.(R2+r2) where (R) is the exterior radius and (r) is the interior radius of the cylindrical ring, and (M) is the superior turning system mass. Similarly the values in the case of coupling the symmetric sabot can be calculated (S2) and also similarly, knowing all those values the Theorem of Steiner can be used in order to calculate the kinetic energy with the help of the relation; Ec1=1/2.I1.w2 for the axis of rotation (z1-z1) respectively Ec1=1/2.(I+M.d2).w2 where (w) is angular speed. Applying successively that theorem and knowing a certain initial average speed of displacement of the whole system, the resultant trajectory being the axis of symmetry of < the steps > (the zig- zags) and admitting the symmetric and valoricaly equal forces applied above the sabots (S1) and successive (S2), we can determine the gain of speed in a unit of time for a space equal to the step of one zigzag, respectively they can be calculated at the designing of the basis parameters in order to dimension correspondingly because D(Ec)=(LU)=(Ftsupl).(d1) but, of course taking account at each time inertia and the influence of the stationary platform (1). |